The Long Foundation fights for healthy air and healthy lungs. We compete with them!

Breathing is normal for most people. Yet there are one million people in the Netherlands with a lung disease. For them, breathing is a recurring or constant struggle. A fight they cannot win alone. The Long Fund fights for healthy air and healthy lungs. For and with everyone. They make research possible, tackle dirty air and do everything to ensure that children grow up smoke-free.
Repair of broken lungs
Scientific research is the basis. The Long Fund invests in research into lung diseases, for example into repairing broken lungs. We contribute to this as a friend of the Long Fund.
Healthy air
Did you know that you breathe on average 20,000 times a day? That means you get around 10,000 liters of air every day. Healthy air is important for your health, especially for your lungs. In the Netherlands, more than one million people have lung disease. They are the first to notice that the air is unhealthy. But dirty air is unhealthy for everyone, including people with healthy lungs. The Long Fund fights for healthy air, both inside and outside. As a friend of the Long Fund we fully support this.
Want to know more?
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