How to get rid of your hay fever for the most part without medication

An effective solution (not a drug)! It deserves some substantiation that you can read in 5 minutes. Hay fever is a hot topic at this time of year. A big problem, especially at work. Absenteeism during this period is often higher, which entails additional costs. Not only employees but also employers will benefit from this solution. It is easy to deploy and very beneficial for the employer.
What actually causes hay fever?
In nice dry weather, especially in the months of April to September, many people suffer from hay fever. The reason is that it is precisely during this period that grasses and trees bloom and emit pollen. This then floats in the air and is inhaled. This can cause instability in the immune system in some people, with histamine as the cause. The amount of histamine increases the more pollen there is in the air. The result is a defense mechanism that is confused.
What exactly is histamine, the cause of hay fever complaints?
Histamine is a substance that occurs in every human body and is also called a biogenic amine that controls many important bodily functions such as heart rhythm, digestion, circulation and breathing. With an excess of histamine, bodily functions can be disrupted and the blood vessels expand and the tissue thickens. The body swells, this applies to the skin, mucous membranes, but also to joints. The complaints are mainly:
- Shortness of breath, mucus, runny nose, cough and cold;
- Heart problems, palpitations or heartbeats;
- Abdominal complaints;
- Headache;
- Dizziness.
During an attack of hay fever, the mucous membranes in the nose, throat and eyes become irritated.
Hay fever in everyday life (home and work)
The hay fever complaints occur at home but also at work. At home it is quite easy to keep the window closed and stay inside. That will be difficult at work. Hay fever is particularly bothersome there because you have less influence there on reducing the causes. A common problem is that a colleague wants to open a window because of the enormous temperature in the summer. It goes without saying that the hay fever colleague does not feel comfortable with this.
A simple and effective solution to reduce hay fever?
A quick Google search yields a bulk of solutions. Below are the most commonly found resources:
- Natural, grandmother’s remedies;
- Medicines;
- Stay indoors and close windows;
- Remove trees/grasses;
- Air cleaning
Air cleaning tackles hay fever at the source. This is in contrast to drugs that only manage to reduce the physical reactions and fool the body.
No more hay fever at work due to air cleaning
An air cleaner is used to clean the indoor air and to blow clean air back into the same room. Air cleaners are able to filter all pollutants (including pollen) from the indoor air, trap and retain them in the filters. An air cleaner is not connected to a complicated ventilation system. It is an easy-to-install device (plug & play) that works on a normal power supply. The filters must be replaced periodically (1 x per year) to maintain optimum performance.
The effects of an air cleaner on the employee are very effective and are therefore the best solution to reduce or eliminate problems with hay fever. Also for the employer, because absenteeism is reduced and that results in considerable savings.
Do you want a tailor-made solution for your work environment? Contact us!