  • Air cleaning expert
  • Customized solutions worldwide
  • Over 49 years of experience
  • Air cleaning expert
  • Customized solutions worldwide
  • Over 49 years of experience

Plastic Recycling Company

"Our employees suffering from health complaints is now a thing of the past."
Susan Smits, KAM Coordinator
Plastic Recycling Company

Plastic Recycling Company Introduction

Plastic Recycling Company in Schijndel (NL) is a specialist in the processing of plastic residual streams from industry. Using state-of-the-art machinery lines, Plastic Recycling  Company crushes plastics to form raw material for the plastic processing industry. The company supplies crushed plastics of various types, including PE, PP and, on request, a range of others. With a fixed team of couriers, the company is a national and international guarantor of rapid collection and delivery.

Old garden furniture is brought in and sorted on the conveyor belt. Wood, iron, plastic and other materials are separated out. The plastic then goes into the shredder, where it  is finely crushed by a large machine. The crushed material is then passed on to a second company, which turns it into granulate.

The Challenge

"We’re working very hard to optimise a pleasant and safe working environment."

We’re working very hard to optimise our organisation, which includes ensuring a pleasant and safe working environment. We’re keen to make our working process more appealing,’ Explains Susan Smits, KAM coordinator of Plastic Recycling Company. ‘The hard plastic that is left over after sorting on the conveyor belt ends up in bulk lots.

We use a telescopic handler to lift the lots up and drop them into the container, whereupon they are ground by the shredder. This part of the production process generates a lot of particulate matter,’ Susan continues. Plastic Recycling Company does everything it possibly can to protect its employees. Face masks are available and an extractor system is in place to remove as much of the particulate from the production process as possible. Nevertheless, this is not enough, and the company decided to go in search of an additional, efficient solution.

Dust Free Industrial 8500
The Solution

"It’s obvious that the air cleaners are doing their job as physical complaints have just disappeared."

Susan: ‘We had a positive feeling after our first meeting with Euromate, and confidence that the DFI air cleaners would do the job. You could see particulate in the air with the naked eye in the production area. We carried out a measurement of the air, which showed that the percentage of particulate in the air was high – this prompted us to invest in six DFI air cleaners.’

‘Our employees have given us great feedback. They feel the pull of the unit, as it were, when they are higher up. Some employees experienced more complaints than others before we had the air cleaners installed, manifesting as eye pain, a scratchy throat… all physical complaints, and that’s a bad thing. It’s obvious that the air cleaners are doing their job as physical complaints have just disappeared,’ explains Susan Smits enthusiastically.

Intensive contact

Intensive contact

Susan appreciates the intensive contact that Euromate maintains with Plastic Recycling Company. ‘The advisor visits regularly to see how things are going and if everything is working as we need. The installation was carried out outside of office hours, which meant that we could keep everything running without having to pause production. That kind of flexibility from a supplier is a real plus for us!’

Order and tidiness are high on the agenda at Plastic Recycling Company. It’s a continuous process, and everyone shares in the responsibility. With the air cleaners as an addition, additional steps have been taken in pursuit of optimised organisation.

‘What remains to be done is to look at the frequency at which the air cleaners are maintained. I have every confidence that this will be properly coordinated with our production process,’ concludes Susan.

Dust Free Industrial 8500

Achieve favourable savings

  • Save up to 70% on cleaning costs
  • A healthy working environment with 40% less absence due to illness
  • 30% saving on energy consumption
  • Lower machine downtime with maintenance costs reduced by 30%
The Product

Dust Free Industrial (DFI) 8500

The Euromate Dust Free Industrial (DFI) 8500 has been developed specifically for production and industrial environment such as workplaces, retail business, construction markets, wholesalers, distribution centres and warehouses. This unique complete solution not only guarantees a dust-free working environment, but also ease of use and operation for many years to come.

  • A smart measurement and control system for consistent capacity, irrespective of whether the filter is empty or almost full.
  • The device recognises the filter and automatically adjusts its configuration for optimal operation.
  • Simple control with graphic touchscreen.
  • A special LED indicator shows the status of the device
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