The hygiene certificate, the airlock, the all-encompassing hygiene concept and the air cleaners: this gives the people at Dany confidence and a sense of security again. During the first visit, everyone gets to see the air cleaners, which are very well integrated into the rooms and are barely audible during operation.
The “Efficient vs. Corona” seals can be seen at various places in the building. “Soon we will also integrate them into the website.” Conveying safety, that’s what it’s all about. “I am super happy, it was the right decision,” says Rolf Dany.
“I have often referred to our air cleaners in exchanges with colleagues, told them about our good experiences, and some have bought a few themselves as a result.”
For Rolf Dany, there is no doubt that DANY’s air cleaners will continue to do their job even after the pandemic has passed: “Clean, virusfree indoor air is and will remain important,” says Rolf Dany. “We have been made aware of this in this corona period and will certainly continue to value the air we breathe in in the future”