Bowling centre Bowl’S Dorsten was established on April 1st 2006, in Wulfen, a district in the German town of Dorsten. The bowling alley is run by Mr. and Mrs. Sawatzki (with the help of five temporary staff) and offers its guests four bowling alleys, billiard tables, darts, and other entertainment facilities.
The non-smoking law of North RhineWestphalia (Germany) which came into effect on the 1st of January 2008 (1st of July 2008 for pubs) left Bowl’S Dorsten with a drastic cutback of players and customers. Implementing a smoking policy outside the front door proved problematic as bowling requires the wearing of special shoes and customers needed to change their special bowling shoes each time they went outside for a cigarette.
Mister Sawatzki of Bowl’S Dorsten explains: “This kept many customers away and sales inevitably declined“. In the autumn of 2008 the aim was to find a solution that would allow smokers a quick and straightforward way to have a cigarette while protecting non-smokers from the second hand smoke and unpleasant odours.
Mr. Sawatzki: “In our search for a solution we came across Euromate. Our problem was nothing new to them and they were able to offer a solution at good conditions. Euromate consistently offers friendly purchase a smoking cabin type Espace for and support which helped us in our decision consultation to 6-7 persons, made by Euromate. The delivery and assembly process went fast and smooth, allowing us to offer our customers this sophisticated and optically appealing solution by the beginning of the cold season.”