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  • Air cleaning expert
  • Customized solutions worldwide
  • Since 1975

Bowl's Dorsten

"The delivery and assembly process went fast and smooth, allowing us to offer our customers this sophisticated and optically appealing solution."
Mr. Sawatzki
The Challenge

"Implementing a smoking policy outside the front door proved problematic as bowling requires the wearing of special shoes."

Bowling centre Bowl’S Dorsten was established on April 1st 2006, in Wulfen, a district in the German town of Dorsten. The bowling alley is run by Mr. and Mrs. Sawatzki (with the help of five temporary staff) and offers its guests four bowling alleys, billiard tables, darts, and other entertainment facilities.

The non-smoking law of North RhineWestphalia (Germany) which came into effect on the 1st of January 2008 (1st of July 2008 for pubs) left Bowl’S Dorsten with a drastic cutback of players and customers. Implementing a smoking policy outside the front door proved problematic as bowling requires the wearing of special shoes and customers needed to change their special bowling shoes each time they went outside for a cigarette.

Mister Sawatzki of Bowl’S Dorsten explains: “This kept many customers away and sales inevitably declined“. In the autumn of 2008 the aim was to find a solution that would allow smokers a quick and straightforward way to have a cigarette while protecting non-smokers from the second hand smoke and unpleasant odours.

Mr. Sawatzki: “In our search for a solution we came across Euromate. Our problem was nothing new to them and they were able to offer a solution at good conditions. Euromate consistently offers friendly purchase a smoking cabin type Espace for and support which helped us in our decision consultation to 6-7 persons, made by Euromate. The delivery and assembly process went fast and smooth, allowing us to offer our customers this sophisticated and optically appealing solution by the beginning of the cold season.”

The Solution

"The transparent design allows the smoker to keep a full overview of the game."

Bowling centre Bowl’S Dorsten has four bowling alleys and other entertainment facilities. The maximum capacity of the bowling alley is 40 persons. Based on an average of around 40% smokers, not all smoking simultaneously, a smoking cabin Espace for 6-7 persons was decided. The location was, together with the Sawatzki’s, fixed in direct proximity of the bowling alleys so that the smoker remains close to the game and does not miss another player’s throw. The transparent design allows the smoker to keep a full overview of the game. The Smoke ‘n Go system was mounted in October 2008 and put into operation by an assembly team of Euromate.

A service agreement with Euromate guaranties the systems’ optimal operation. Thereunder Bowl’S Dorsten has a lifelong guarantee on the filter units. Worn out filters are checked with every maintenance call and are replaced in regular intervals at no additional cost. Family Sawatzki no longer needs to worry about the disposal of cigarette stubs because these are disposed of at every service call Euromate makes. The ash-container is replaced by a sanitized, odourless container. The service intervals are flexibly adjusted to the amount of use. For Bowl’S Dorsten this means that throughout winter, when the cabin is highly utilized, maintenance calls can be carried out more frequently than in summer.

Achieve favourable savings

  • Comfortable solution, also for non-smokers, as people outside the smoking cabin do not smell the tobacco smoke and inhale harmful gasses.
  • Smoking cabins can be placed anywhere, thus saving costs and space, as no special smoking rooms need to be created.
The Product

Smoke 'N Go - Smoking Cabins

Euromate’s freestanding, modular smoking cabin can be installed everywhere. In a public area, near a coffee corner, inside your office or in a corridor. Thanks to its unique filtration system the cabin not only removes tobacco smoke, it also improves the overall indoor air quality, as the clean air is recirculated.

  • Transparent solution
  • Total extraction of tobacco smoke and unpleasant odours
  • Clean air environment despite smoking in the same area
  • Silent filtration, almost noiseless
  • Automatic activation upon user access (movement sensor)
  • Low maintenance
  • Comprehensive, flexible service

The smoking cabins blend in perfectly with virtually any environment thanks to their stylish and elegant design. The transparent walls are made of safety glass. It creates pleasant open feeling for smokers, so they do not feel left out.

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