With ample experience in the field of clean production hall air, Euromate was able to meet the exacting requirements of Bilfinger Noell with a bespoke solution. Euromate attached room air systems to the ceiling to both circulate the air and filter the air according to the recycled air principle. The system also ensures that no heat is lost during the air cleaning process, efficiently reducing heating costs.
The Euromate air cleaning systems at the Würzburg site are equipped with electrostatic filters (electrostatic precipitators) (HFE) for effective filtration, especially of welding fumes and fine particulate. They are easy to clean, reusable, environmentally friendly and economical.
For another of the production halls at the Würzburg site, Euromate installed a modular solution, which in addition to electrostatic precipitators, is also equipped with pocket filters for filtration of coarser particulate. This allows the electrostatic precipitators to focus on filtration of finer particulate. These modular room air systems can also be optionally expanded to include active carbon.